The proposed Warehouse Project will destroy Berkley
Important Facts and Documents
Aerial of Proposed Site
This aerial with shows the area (highlighted in yellow) on which the proposed warehouse/industrial park would sit.
Preliminary Site Plan
The preliminary site plan, below, is from the traffic study. The warehouses and surrounding parking areas completely fill the 57 acres site up to the wetland area at the rear of the property. See link above for complete plans.
Initial Proposal by Developers for Berkley Myricks site
Proposal and Traffic Study based on estimated use with unknown actual business use. This study was paid for by the investors.
This is an industrial park use not appropriate for a small town business district. These foreign investors have a model which includes taking advantage of small towns unable to charge a commercial tax rate*. Attempts are happening all around us. We must defend our town. Allowing this will open the door to other investors looking to take advantage of our town.
337,500 square feet of warehouse/distribution space
368 passenger vehicle parking spaces
114 tractor trailer parking spaces
90 loading docks
24/7 365 days operation
376 automobile per day
202 trucks per day
578 estimated total vehicles per day
study estimates 35% of this traffic will be during normal commuter periods, so 65% will be days, nights, weekends
“The proposed use is characterized for zoning purposes to include a facility that entails a wide range of potential activities including receiving, processing, inventory, assembly, shipping/delivery, and fulfillment of customer orders that may entail preparing/packaging/re-packaging and customer pickup/drop off at the subject location or off-site shipping/delivery. For analysis purposes, as a conservative measure all of the site related trip activity was assumed to use a single driveway along Myricks Street” (the plan includes 3 driveways)
*Mass Department of Revenue sets regulations for tax rates. Berkley will never have enough business to residential ratio to qualify for a commercial tax rate.
Berkley Town Officials -
Planning Board - Hours of Operation: Wed: 9:30 AM - 2 PM
Phone: (508) 822-5977
EMAIL ADDRESS: planningboard@berkleyma.us
Address: Town Office Building, 1 North Main Street, Berkley, MA 02779
Planning Board members:
Paul Megna - Chair
Donna Leary - Clerk / Records Liaison Officer
Michael Leger - Member
Marc Oliveira - Member
Gregory Unger - Member
Berkley Town Officials -
Board of Selectmen - Hours of Operation: Wed: 9:30 AM - 2 PM
Phone: (508) 824-6794
Address: Town Office Building, 1 North Main Street, Berkley, MA 02779
Berkley Town Officials -
Conservation Commission -
Hours of Operation: Wed: 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Phone: (508) 828-2682
Address: Town Office Building, 1 North Main Street, Berkley, MA 02779
Board of Selectmen members/contacts:
Ashley Tigano - Selectmen Clerk
Kevin Partridge - Interim Town Administrator
George F. Miller - Chariman
Wendy F. Cochrane - Member
Dean Larabee, III - Member
Conservation Commission members/contacts:
Bonnie Marshall
Mark N. Pettey, Jr.
David Patrick
George Faria
Kerrie Ann Auclair - Secretary/Records Liaison Officer
Marcus Partners Answers to Resident’s Concerns
We submitted a letter to the Planning Board with a list of concerns, request for modifications, etc. The link below is the letter with the answers in red.
Lakeville Residents Lawsuit vs Lakeville Planning Board
Here you can read information about the Lakeville residents’ successful lawsuit filed against their Planning Board decision. There were two Docket No. which were combined in the final decision. Scot, et al. v. Know, et al. - Plymouth County Land Court Docket Nos. 21 PS 00245 & 000252.
Sign the online petition today and let our town officials know that we are opposed to this project. Click Here or on image to sign: