Preserving Our Way of Life.
Our goal is to inform and protect the wonderful town we all love. There is a delicate balance between progress & preservation.
Our mission is ensure that Berkley remains the place we all want to live, now and for our children.
Berkley Citizens for Business
We all realize the vital part business plays in our town. We have come together to support appropriate growth in Berkley Business which will add the needed financial support without destroying the town we’ve all come to love and call home.
The Wrong Choice for Berkley
24/7 warehouses totallying over 300,000 square feet with an estimated 300 employees, 200 tractor trailers a day and additional traffic to support pick-ups and deliveries. This is NOT what Berkley needs.

There are many appropriate businesses for Berkley. Warehouses are not right for our town.
Our surrounding towns are facing the same challenges as Berkley. Their citizens are stepping up and saying NO to these disastrous attempts to take advantage of our lack of regulations and low tax rates. Don’t let these investors take advantage of our town and ruin our way of life.